Well logs
Well logging is a series of geophysical techniques applied inside the well. Investigation volume radius is only slightly larger than that of the well.
Well logs are used alongside surface geophysical techniques which help get information on large soil volume but the resolution is less fine (the terrain “as a whole” is known but details are not distinguishable).
Our Company completes logging on equipped wells or on open holes (gamma ray and mono-electrode resistivity, short and long normal, PS, inside caliper) and production logs (flux, temperature, conductivity, geochemistry), on structures at rest and during pumping.
Our Specialties
Click on the links below to learn more about our services:
- Geophysical prospecting
- Test wells and piezometers
- Foundations / Bored piles
- Well logging
- Video diagnostics and interpretation
- Production drilling for all diameters and all depths
- Pumping tests and interpretations
- Sizing, supply and installation of pumping stations
- Rehabilitation and maintenance
- Well abandonment